Pico Mountain Climb
Pico mountain climb is a very special activity. For the Pico ascent, specific mountaineering techniques are not required to reach the peak. But it is a tough ascent and descent. And that’s why we only advice it for active people. People used to hike in natural terrain, or used to sports in general. Pico mountain is an unique kind of stratovolcano. Most of the lava flows that cover the cone are less of 5000 years old. It’s possible to observe a significant number of very well preserved pahoehoe lavas, and other volcanic features. The mountain flora is also unique in Pico. Calluna vulgaris and Daboecia azorica cover most of the mountain above 1500 meters. And the Silene uniflora cratericola is specific to Pico crater. And only exists there. Weather wise it’s also challenging. Since it can change very quickly. It’s important to be well equipped and prepared for rain, cold, wind and heat. Pico mountain climb is a very demanding activity.